Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Let’s Have a Better Christmas This Year

This year, it is my wish that we all will have a better Christmas.

That doesn’t mean I’m going to share new recipe ideas or better decorating techniques, that’s what Pinterest is for. Nor does it mean I am going to list off all the things that are wrong about how we celebrate Christmas. I’m not going to become one of those self-appointed Christmas police that points out things like “You know, the wise men shouldn’t even be in the nativity. They likely didn’t show up until as much as two years later” or “Jesus wasn’t even born in December. Historically, census’ were taken in the summertime. We only celebrate in December to compete with the pagan Winter Solstice holiday.”

Instead I want to focus on how we can have a better Christmas, focusing on the things that matter most about our most celebrated holiday.

A Better Feast
In Luke 10 we see the story of Mary and Martha hosting Jesus and his crew. Martha was busying herself with being a good hostess. Undoubtedly, she was an “act of service” love language person. But Jesus was very clear that Mary had chosen the better activity and it would not be taken from her. How many of us are so busy with the trappings and preparations of making it a “good” Christmas that we miss out on the more important part, the relationships? Alternative: Order a premade, fully cooked holiday meal from Amazon (~$140) and spend all that time with your loved ones instead of in the kitchen.

A Better Party
In Matthew 9:9-13 we see Jesus hanging out with Matthew and his unsavory friends. Jesus wasn’t afraid to hang out with non-Christians but we have a tendency to isolate and insulate. We go to our life group Christmas party, or the women’s ornament exchange (both good things) but never really consider the other options. This year let’s not be afraid to associate with unbelievers, to interact with people who need Jesus this holiday season. Invite all your work friends to your Christmas party, go to theirs when invited, set some boundaries before hand so you can have fun and still not fall to sin.

A Better Gift
You won’t find the best gifts on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. They can’t be found on Amazon or at the mall. The best gifts are the ones that are given to us by God: grace, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, patience, peace, & love. Let’s give those gifts to each other this holiday season. Let’s give grace and mercy to that uncle that drives us crazy. Let’s give forgiveness and compassion to that person that hurt or angered us and restore that relationship. Let’s give patience and peace to our neighbor that always seems to inconvenience us around the holidays. Let’s give the gift of love this season. It is the one gift that is always welcome, will never be sent back to the store and is always valued and appreciated.
We have no record of anyone celebrating Christmas in the Bible. We don’t know what Jesus did on His birthday every year. The best we can do this Christmas is try to live our lives the way He did every day.