Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Opportunities

Stephanie just handed me our average attendance for the month of June and it was 145 persons gathered together to worship and praise our Lord and Savior. I am very encouraged by this summer attendance. Just think of how crowded we would be if we all came on the same Sunday. This Fall we will be able to see how much the Lord has grown us this Summer.

We have two very important weeks coming up. Our prayer effort with the other churches in Rifle and our Vacation Bible School. 

Our church is committed to praying for two of the nights in the Church of Rifle 24/7 Prayer, Tuesday and Thursday. Please make it a priority to gather with the other churches at any of the nights you can attend but especially on the two nights that we are responsible for. On Tuesday night we will meet at our main location for a prayer rally led by our worship team at 7 pm. On Thursday night Elevate Youth will lead us in a prayer rally at the annex location, 1430 Railroad, Suite E. After each of these nights we will be responsible for the next 23 hours of prayer. You can sign up for an hour or more at our web site by clicking on the 24/7 tab, selecting our church or youth group, and then entering your information on the hour you want. Be sure to hit the save button and check if it keeps your name. 

I could tell you more about VBS but then I might have to kill you (just kidding). Our theme this year involves spys and searching for the truth found in Jesus. Please contact Elin for help opportunities (snacks, teacher's aids, game helpers, etc.). As a special treat on Thursday night we have invited the "Strength Team" to lead a special evangelistic night at 7:30. This is open to all the community not just the kids in VBS. Please join us and bring a friend. We hope to fill every chair and overflow up the stairs. We are even working on setting up a big screen tv for the youngsters in the back classroom next to the nursery. This is perhaps one of the greatest opportunities to bring a friend to hear a clear interesting presentation of the the gospel. Let's make this the greatest Vacation Bible School we have ever had!!

Of all the plans you have this summer, please make these a priority to pray for, attend, and support. 

Pastor Albert

"Let us draw near with a sincere heart....Let us hold fast the confession...Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together"  Heb. 10:22-25