Monday, January 14, 2013

Dr. Dan's "Playing the Part"

One of my favorite professors from Seminary sends out a weekly meditation. I thought this week's was especially thoughtful perhaps because I am beginning to relate.

I took a Drama class in High School, only because the Principal came to our Advanced Speech class and asked for Volunteers to switch to the Drama class while looking straight at me. The Drama teacher, Mr. Wyman, told us to observe people so we’d know how to portray them when we were assigned their part in a play. He especially spoke of elderly people. “Watch how long it takes them to sit down and get up” he said. He continued, “Observe how slowly they move at times.” I never played the part of an elderly person until recently and only now because I am getting elderly. It takes longer to sit down and longer to get up. I move slower at times. The elderly lady I helped step off a curb recently turned out to be my wife. A friend advised me that if I woke up some morning and nothing ached, to check the obituaries. Yet the Bible declares, “Wisdom is with aged men, and with length of days, understanding” (Job 12:12). Aging is a challenge and takes all the “wisdom” that accompanies it and for sure, has its own drama inherent within. So, be kind to older people. If you live long enough, you’ll be one yourself. And whatever your age, follow another of Mr. Wyman’s sayings and “Play your part well today.”  Dr. Dan's Monday Morning Manna- January 14, 2013, "Playing the Part."