Last week we voted to purchase the elevator that we have long looked forward to. Though it will take some time for it to come in and to be installed, I am excited to have the new rooms available upstairs both to those who cannot negotiate stairs and to our growing Life Groups. We will also soon be entering into a new Growth Fund that will help to pay for the elevator and to finish many of the projects in our current and last building phase (phase 5). What is left after this phase is ongoing maintenance of a very large and useful facility.
This is an exciting time in the life of our church and I pray that you will be committed to help us finish strong on our building program. The growth fund sets aside a set $4000 in reserve to help with staff salaries in a lean month and also $900 in reserve to cover two payments for the elevator loan if we ever need it. Beyond that, the money will be used on the projects as presented in our priority list. As you can see in the newsletter, the youth rooms are in desperate need of remodeling and they will be our first priority. Other priorities will be accomplished as funds become available. As an added aid to growth as much as 10% of receipts will be put aside for "growing the body" projects designed to impact our community such as direct mail, special outreach events, and other things that are not covered in the current budget.
This is a great time to be a part of Brookwood. We will soon see the fruits of our Life Group/Growth Group/Encouragement Group structure. We will see more people come to know the Lord and grow in their relationship with Him than ever before. The "Growth Fund" will give us opportunity to give above our tithes to accomplish building the body and the building and it will also provide opportunity for us to volunteer our labor in a worthwile life-changing work.
I heard a child relate a cute saying on the Radio. He said, "The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." Where ever he came up with this statement, (I believe a dad or teacher might have made him aware of it), I am sure that you would agree with the truth behind it. All of these changes will only be successful if we pray as if it all depends on God and work as if it depends on us. Or another way to say it is when we open ourself to God's power and use it to work in His fields, He will bring in a harvest we cannot even imagine. Let's "put our hands to the plow, not looking back,(Luke 9:62) and "not be discouraged in doing good work (Gal. 6:9)."
God has great plans for a faithful, committed, hard working people. May God bless you as you serve Him and others.
See you Sunday and on the coming workdays as well.