Tuesday, December 1, 2009


You can't live life for long before you are hurt by someone and the thought of getting even comes to mind. Revenge is a natural response but not a Christian response.

"Bless those who curse you...pray that God will bless them...Never pay back evil with evil...never take revenge, leave that to the righteous anger of God...I will take revenge, I will pay them back, says the Lord. Instead if your enemies are hungry, feed them, if thirsty, give them something to drink...Conquer evil by doing good." Romans 12- selected portions.

Revenge is in God's hands because only He is righteous enough to judge fairly the motives of the heart. He will act so we do not need to. We are charged with showing kindness to our enemies and leaving the rest to God. We will be hurt or offended but we are not to respond with equal treatment. While we may be able to keep from taking revenge God expects more. We are to pray that God will bless the people who hurt us. Now I can understand praying that God would get them but not bless them. That is not really possible without God's help.

I have tried to live by this principle and found that it is impossible to continue to be angry with someone when I am praying that God will bless them. I pray that God will help each of us to go the extra mile and pray for "those who spitefully use you."