Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And the Winner Is...

This may be seen as a little presumptive a week in advance, but I am cheering on my favorite NFL team, the Seachickens to win the Super Bowl. Before the Pastor search team is restarted, I was just kidding. I am cheering for the winner, the Denver Broncos. With the game a week away, I am accepting by faith that they will win. What if I knew they would win, beyond a shadow of a doubt? I would have advance bragging rights and, if I was a gambling man, could make some money. We have seen that plot played out time and again in movies such as “Back to the Future” and its many sequels as well as over and over again in many television series. To know what is going to happen in the future is at least a call for us to prepare for those events and at most at great advantage in arranging out lives to capitalize on that knowledge.

There are some things that we do know about the future. We can be on the winning team because the Bible clearly tells us who will win the cosmic super bowl. Jesus wins!! While we should not be so arrogant that we trash talk others we also should not live our lives acting like losers. Knowing that ultimately our team wins has some great advantages for our individual lives and our church.

We have the advantage of knowing that unlimited power and resources are available if we are in close contact with the owner (God). We have the advantage of knowing that perfect guidance is available for each step (play) if we stay in touch with the coach (Jesus). With this in mind we are seeking to build a bridge to the future that God has for us. With the recent purchase of 4 ½ acres and a former night club to remodel we have the room to grow and to impact our community. We plan on putting in a community garden and a large park/playground on the creek level land, remodel the night club (God’s Barn), and eventually build a new worship/education building (God’s House).

Join us for the game of our lives and let’s prepare for a future super bowl like no other when the forces of evil are defeated by Jesus. It might be here sooner than we think. When the final victory is secured isn't it interesting that King Jesus comes back mounted on a white bronco…just sayin.